EXCLUSIVE: Kian Egan and Jodi Albert have travel plans

11/01/2015 11:21

Kian Egan and Jodi Albert want to go travelling.

The couple - who are expecting their second child, a sibling for three-year-old son Koa - are keen for their kids to see the world while they are still young.

Kian, 34, said: ''We're both lucky to have travelled a lot of the world already but there are so many places we want to go back to or visit for the first time. It's much easier to do that when the kids are young and we love the idea of creating family memories together.''

Jodi added to Closer magazine: ''Our lives are quite manic with work as we don't do the usual 9 to 5 so we never know when a good work opportunity might present itself but we'd love to escape to somewhere amazing and explore this year.''

While the couple - who have been together for 11 years and married in 2009 - may be offered a lot of work, they are happy to take a step back and focus on their children and life together.

Jodi, 31, said: ''Family bonding time is really important to us. We always say we did so much in our careers at a young age that we now feel content to enjoy the quiet life.''


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